Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Hour of Code

Excited students try their hands at coding. Every Lower School student participated in the Hour of Code!

On December 9th, the entire Francis Parker School engaged in an "Hour of Code" - a national movement to raise awareness of coding and to garner student interest in coding related activities and educational pursuits. While our Middle and Upper School students tackled projects and introductions to coding, our Lower School students almost felt like it was just another day as they had been actively engaging in coding for the better part of a month. The purpose of the Hour of Code at Parker was to help students who had not previously experienced coding get some hands-on experience, and for those who had experience, they were given a chance to show off their work to their peers. 

All students also got exposure to the idea that coding drives many things in their lives - be it video games, or particular online activities, engineering, or even fashion design. 

All in all, it was a fun day that engaged our students. It was clear that they all enjoyed the coding activities, as well as the opportunity to solve a variety of puzzles that had their origins in coding.